What’s the deal with magnesium?

Why supplement with Magnesium?

Every cell in your body needs this mineral to function properly and unfortunately many Americans are deficient. Magnesium is crucial in muscle function, converting food into energy, creating new proteins from amino acids, as well as regulating our nervous system.

Many people supplement magnesium to help with depression or anxiety disorders, regulating blood sugar, in an effort to lower risk of heart disease, strokes and high blood pressure. To help lower inflammation in the body as a prevention for those with migraines often, and even promoting bone health. 

Why not just take a pill?

Supplementing with magnesium orally can have many uncomfortable side effects, such as stomach cramping and diarrhea. Utilizing the magnesium topically allows the benefits of it to absorb into your skin and enter the bloodstream with less of those digestive issues.

Who shouldn’t take magnesium?

I am not a doctor and you should definitely ask yours before starting any kind of supplement. That being said, there are a few groups of people who should not be using magnesium. Magnesium can interfere with antibiotics and should not be taken when on an antibiotic. As well as those who are taking bisphosphonates for osteoporosis, those using diuretics or anyone on proton pump inhibitors can have adverse reactions when taking a magnesium supplement.

What are the side effects of using a topical magnesium supplement?

Many companies advise that magnesium can cause a “tingling” sensation on the skin. In my opinion, it can be more like a burning sensation. If you are deficient in magnesium can be a worsening side effect. How do we combat that? I recommend leaning into the Chinese way of medicine and applying the magnesium to the bottoms of your feet before bed. You will experience the least amount of tingling or burning. The soles of your feet are superior in drawing in the supplement.

Our whipped magnesium lotion is created with coconut oil and shea butter to also help combat any itchy or burning sensation. These also provide a great lotion quality to condition the bottom of your feet when using. If using a magnesium supplement topically for the first time, I highly recommend starting out with the whipped magnesium lotion for the easiest introduction.

I also recommend never applying magnesium onto a skin area that has recently been shaved. This will almost always result in a tingling or burning feeling on your skin. Those who wish to use a spray magnesium supplement to replace their deodorant are recommended to either trim under hair or not use it on days where they shave.





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